“It’s just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture.” We were just a bunch of cotton-headed ninny muggins having a fun night watching a movie together, far apart. We may not be able to do our normal holiday festivities, but the virtual Elf watch party was joyful, and cozy. Despite …
Even Masks Can’t Cover Up These Smiles
Masks and social distancing in place, the family from Club Forget Me Not gathered for fun, connections, and adventure at the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center. During these crazy CoVid times it is so important that we remember that we need to be connecting. While that may take on a different look than in the past, …
September 2020 Forget Me Not BOEC Event
Looking forward to getting everyone together, safely and responsibly. Times are crazy right now, which is an excellent time for everyone to connect and be together. The BOEC is kind enough to host another INCREDIBLE event for Club Forget Me Not. See below for all the details and contact Elizabeth with any questions you may …